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Tonight at midnight is the witching hour…I don’t mean just Halloween.  Rather, the beginning of the month of writing 50,000 words towards a novel.  This marathon is called National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo for short, or Nano for even shorter.

This will be my first attempt at this.  I’m a little excited, and a little apprehensive.  First, I really am not sure what I’m going to write.  I have an idea for a murder mystery novel, but thinking of just working on some Flash Fiction stories to get my feet wet.  I can always wait until next year to try for the 50,000 word goal…right?  I’m apprehensive, because I have some fears about writing.

I think my most major fear is being judged.  Not only other people judging me, but my self-editor that wants to strive for perfection.  Also, that I will just end up staring at a blank screen, and not being able to come up with anything.

Luckily, I have joined a group of local fellow Nano writers.  I really am hoping to be accepted, and to help support others.  I wasn’t feeling well on the night of the kick off party.  But, there is some write-ins planned including online write-ins.  I’m looking forward to participating!

Another useful thing is that there are professional writers including my favorite, James Patterson who will be writing letters of encouragement.  I just received the letter from James Patterson, and it was cool to have the support of an author that I’ve actually read!  The letter was helpful, and humorous, and I think I’ll read it so often to keep running the race. 

Wish me luck!  As I also wish other fellow Nano writers luck in this project!


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Hello World!


This is my new blog about things that I can accomplish in my own room.  This blog title is from Virginia Wolf’s book, A Room of One’s Own.  I read the book back in high school, and should probably read it again.  The premise is that if Shakespeare had a sister with the same opportunities that he had she would have been able to create great works as well.

For centuries women have been denied an education and left in the kitchen.  Even in our modern world, women are still denied opportunities in some countries.  This reminds me of the girl in Pakistan that was shot in the head after voicing her belief that girls should be given an education.  Luckily, she survived and has recently started a program to raise funds to send girls to school.

Now, I have a room of my own where I can follow my interests like crafts, reading and watching shows.  I also want to learn the craft of mystery writing, and how to blog.  The other cool thing is that there’s a library within walking distance of my room.  I have been checking out books and DVDs that interest me.  More on this later…

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